Monday, June 14, 2010

3 Es are me

I've been busy and unable to post for a while, but I'm back! And what better time to return than my favorite time of the year, E3!!!

This E3 is looking to be a big one. So each day I will be posting impressions on what happens. Plus, I will be going to Video Games Live on Thursday and I'll be posting about that as well.

I thought that I would kick this off with some hopes and dreams.

1: New Zelda- Obviously, just about everybody is predicting this one. I really don't care what it looks like, I just want it.

2: 3DS- I hope it's not the next virtual boy. It looks great, but goggle-less 3d sounds like possible eye bleed to me.

3: The last story- I want more details! And even more important, I want it to come to the US.

4: New star Fox?- There is nothing to support this, but we haven't seen the flying fox and his four fearless friends in a long time! And if someone outside of Nintendo is going to make it, I hope that it's treasure.

5: New Retro Studios game- Come on, we know you've been up to something

6: Star Wars battlefront III- After Pandemic went under this one seemed to disappear, but every few months we some sort of tease! I just want to know man. And on a side note, I do not care about The Force Unleashed 2, the first one was terrible.

7: Kingdom Hearts 3- It's been teased, but we don't know if it will actually be the next numbered game. That's enough spin-offs! I want to know what Sora is up to!

8: Project Sora- Masahiro Sakurai told us that he was making "Something that Nintendo couldn't do on their own" I want to know what it is.

9: Final Fantasy 7 remake- Squre-Enix needs to either confirm or deny this, no more stringing us along.

10: Beyond Good and Evil 2- Maybe it died, maybe it didn't. They gave us one teaser trailer, and some supposed "leaked footage" and then haven't said anything since. Today is the Ubisoft conference, so either they say something or I give up hope.

The next few days are going to be quite a ride, so hold on to your butts cause HERE WE GO!