Monday, March 29, 2010

Gamestop screws me over... or do they?

Now there are a lot of things to complain about when it comes to Gamestop. The fact that they buy games from poor unsuspecting children and sell them for 3 times the price, essentially making them legalized pirates, is not the least of these transgressions. But believe it or not, that isn't actually what this post is about. What this post is about is the fact that they like to take money from these same poor helpless children, promising them wonders beyond belief, and vanish into the night leaving them with nothing but broken dreams. Thus making them more like shady-ass gypsies. There's a difference.

I should explain. About two months ago I heard that the pre-order copy of the Wii game Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon would be shipping with a soundtrack disk of the game. I'm a sucker for free game soundtracks, so I signed the heck up!
Move forward in time to two weeks ago. It is the eve of the games release and I am practically wetting myself. No reviews have come out yet, but I've got faith that the game will be good! Heck, it worked last time I pre-ordered a

The next day dawns and I check the order status. The game hadn't shipped yet. But I supposed I was expecting too much too soon. That night I checked the status again, still not shipped. Okay, kinda weird...

Three days later I checked the status once again, and the dratted thing had still not sent! This wouldn't be the worst thing in the world, I'm a patient enough fellow. But the reviews for the game had started trickling in and they weren't very positive. 3 days became a week and still no game.

I was now in rather a pickle! I still wanted to play the game for myself, but did I truly want to pay 60 dollars for a game with such reviews? Perhaps Gamestops cruel gypsy move was a blessing in disguise. Perhaps instead of becoming angry with the gypsy, I should just let her use her silver tipped cane and dispose of my hair covered monster cousin once and for all. But no, we are family! Even if nobody likes him...(no more gypsy metaphor, it's not really working...)

So i had an idea. I canceled the Order from Gamestop and subscribed to Gamefly. This way I could still play the game, but not have to blow 60 bucks on it! Plus this way I can experience the many other games I want to play, but not pay for.

I am now about 2 hours in, and it's actually not that bad. It's quite creepy and the visuals are nice. Though the best part is the music... if only I had the soundtrack.... DAMN YOU MUSIC STEALING GYPSY!!!!

The Beginning.

So here it is. My Video Game Blog. I'm no good at Introductions, so let's skip that shall we? Is that cheating... ?

Anyway, it is in this, the first post, that one says what a Blog will be about. My Blog is about Video Games. But not just the games themselves. I have become entrenched in the Arts and Culture inspired by, and involved with games. Part 1 of this Blogs aim is this: To every week highlight an artist, musician, website, movie, or whatever else that is inspired by Video Games.
I also occasionally make Game inspired art of my own, so I might be posting that from time to time.

I am not however, just an art geek. I am just a geek in general. I also PLAY games. So any time I play a game, I will be posting a short review for it.
I also might might throw some Movies or Comics into the mix. Who knows, I'm a loose cannon.