Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Triumphant Return

This summer has been insane. In the last 2 months, i have had barely any time to play video games, much less write about them. But now things are slowing down, and i must fulfill my destiny as a blogger or whatever.
But before returning to your regularly scheduled programming, a recap of the summer.

In June, I attended Video Games Live.
Anybody who has not yet had the chance to go, i strongly suggest it! I am one of those weirdos who actually listens to Game Soundtracks on a regular basis, so it was just my flavor of kool-ade. But even if you have a life, the concert is fantastic. Supposedly PBS is supposed to have been airing it over the last month, but none of my local PBS stations seem to have gotten the memo. Aw well.

One weekend in July I discovered 2 classic games that somehow... I missed.

The first is Donkey Kong Jungle Beat. I picked one of the short lived konga controllers up at a garage sale. After sitting in my living room for 2 months, i finally got a game that they worked with. How did I not hear more about this game when it came out? I remember seeing a little bit about it in Nintendo power, but beyond that nada! This game is amazing. I have haven't played a game that is so fun and original in a long time. The controls work very well, which is surprising since they look so hard. The tricks and combos you can pull off are insane, and if you do well the game will even give you tips on how to score bigger ones. It doesn't surprise me at all that this team went on to make the Mario Galaxy games with all of the creativity in this game. the only problem is that it's a bit short.

The next one is just sad. I, David O, have never played Kirby Super Star for the SNES. Alright alright, pick your jaw up off the floor. I wasn't avoiding it on purpose! It just never made its way into my hands. I am greatly saddened by this, because this game after just a few hours had made it on to my top games list. it is ingenues! And some of the best multiplayer available on SNES. It's interesting just how much of this game Sakurai carried on to the Super Smash Brothers series. Whole modes are essentially the same thing, such as the All Star mode. And many of the level designs reminded me of the Subspace Emmesary campaign in Brawl.
That weekend I played 22 hours of video games, which I am sad to say is more than the rest of my summer combined.

Also in July, I went to wait for it... COMIC CON!

It was a day of much rejoice (as longs as you're not expecting too many comics) and i won't talk about it all, here's some pictures.





There was one thing I wanted to talk about though. At Capcoms booth, they had a playable Demo of their upcoming game Ghost Trick from the creators of the Phoenix Wright series. Even though it was a bit too much reading for a convention type setting, it hooked me instantly. The visual style is great, and the humor seems just as weird and dry as the teams other games. You play as a man who has recently died and become a ghost who uses his ghostly powers to posses objects in order to prevent other people from sharing the same fate. It comes out this year, and I can't wait. Here is a link of some coverage from Nintendo World Report.

I also got to meet Rocco Botte from Mega64...
'Nuf said.

I will return soon with a new post about something cool!